How to spoil your mum on Mother's Day

As much as our mothers deserve to be treated this special every day, Mother’s Day is just that one day out of 365 to really remind her how amazing she is. Stuck for ideas on what to do for her special day? Here are some ideas of how to spoil your mother this mother's day from us here at Beeautify:

Don’t usually vacuum the house or wash the dishes? Treat your mum by doing something out of the blue that you usually would not do. Or maybe hire a professional to give your mum a break and have her house cleaned at the same time. We know that mums often find it is their responsibility to always be in charge of the cleaning – so make her relax on the couch for once and don’t forget to ask her to lift her feet when you vacuum underneath.
Is your mum always the one organising family dinners? Maybe it is time you cook for her? Get the family together and prepare her favourite meal. Make sure your mum can relax and enjoy the food and the company.
Sharing the load of the household or family duties is a great way to make her feel relaxed and spoilt on her special day.
Sit mum down in the kitchen, on the couch or even in the bathroom! Enjoy a pamper day together in the comfort of your own home with these simple at-home-spa routines:
Get comfy:
create a calming environment with some candles, incense or essential oil. Prepare a nice cup of tea, or another beverage of choice and get as cosy as possible with your favourite robe and headband. -
Cleanse away with the Gentle Honey Cleanser:
Looking for a naturally sweet-scented cleanser? The Gentle honey cleanser is so rich with locally sourced Jarrah Honey to purify, gently exfoliate and leave your skin feeling nourished. It smells so good you want to taste it. A unique local product that your mum will love. -
Steam your pores at home:
Now this can be a great giggle moment! Grab a microwave-safe bowl and place 2-3 cups of hot water (from the kettle) onto the bench. Place a large towel over the back of your head and hover over the bowl to create a shelter and allow the steam from the bowl to rise. This will open up your pores to allow for a deep clean. You can also add a teaspoon of pure honey and stir until dissolved to reduce inflammation of the respiratory system and add a delicious scent to your steam! -
Time for a Soothing Clay Mask:
The Soothing Honey Clay Mask has a unique velvety mud-honey consistency that detoxifies and gently exfoliates the skin, reducing signs of age, irritation, acne and blemishes. The perfect mask to compliment all areas of concern. Apply the mask and leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes, while you have a chat with your mum and enjoy a few sips of your beverage of choice. -
Moisturise and relax:
After all your hard work of cleaning your skin it's now time to apply your moisturiser. Make sure you do it whilst your skin is slightly damp as it will help absorb the nutritious ingredients in your moisturiser. After nourishing your skin it is time to relax and get cosy on the couch. Might be a good time to watch a movie or a limited series, just make sure your mum gets to pick.
For our locals here in Perth, Yanchep National Park Is the perfect place to take your mother for a walk around the lake, through the crystal caves, visit the koalas or stroll through the
Australian Native Flowers. You can compliment your walk with tea or coffee at the Yanchep Inn or visit the Chocolate Drops for some special treats.
House of Honey is another great spot for you to take your mum, it is located in the Swan Valley, which is beautiful this time of the year. House of Honey offers some fantastic local honey, mead tasting and delicious treats in their mouth-watering cafe. They also have a great showroom where you can see the bees working their magic.
Coffee dates always win:
What mum doesn’t enjoy a hot coffee or a nice tea, especially coming into the colder months.
Here are our top 4 coffee shops in the Perth and the surrounding area:
- HER BED!!!! Every mum fantasises about waking up to the fresh smell of coffee from the luxury of her own bed, which is why it is number one on our list! Bring her some freshly baked bread or delicious treats, homemade or bought from the local cafe. Treat her to a cosy at-home cafe experience. A bouquet of flowers and a tidy kitchen or living area can create a great atmosphere for you to spend some quality time with your mother.
- La Veen Coffee: Located in the heart of Perth City, La Veen has some of the highest ratings for their coffee and acacia bowls. It is definitely worth a visit, and a great spot to stop for a coffee and some food when spending the day in Perth city.
- Neptune’s Café & Pickled Herring: Located about 65km from Perth, in our little hometown, are two side by side Cafés with stunning views of the ocean’s marina and even King Neptune himself! A great little getaway for the day, which can be combined with a visit to Yanchep National Park.
Little Bay: Beautiful spot along the coast in Waterman's Bay. They serve some fantastic food and great coffee in their very stylish all-white cafe with ocean views. Perfect location for a coastal stroll to work up an appetite, or walk off the food coma.
We hope this post has given you some ideas on how to spoil your mum this mother’s day. The most important part to remember is, whatever you plan on doing for your mum, do it with love. And don’t forget to thank your mum for simply just being a wonderful mother.
Products recommended for the unique honey home-spa: